Cincinnati, Ohio Date 3/31/2022 Ver.1 (Note All rules and Guidelines are subject to change)
Racing4Vets is a team for qualified and honorably discharged Military Veterans to provide camaraderie and personal growth from teamwork and racing sprint karts at a club level.
The Board may nominate non-veterans to participate as an honorary Racing4Vets member who can participate in all Racing4Vets activities. We do this by obtaining equipment, vehicles, sponsorship, adapted controls, mechanical support and relationships with organizers and racers throughout the United States.
● To participate, the member must present a copy of their DD214 to the Team Captain to be kept on file with the Regional Director. ●
Racing4Vets requires all participants to cooperatively share the workload, coordinated by the Team Captain. This will promote teamwork, ownership on the team and help grow and run the program. Workload is the act of pre, during and post-race items, actions the team has been delegated to perform for supporting sanctioning bodies and the duties needed to keep the team functioning. i.e.: Fundraising and outreach events etc. For example: A participation ratio of seat time to other events is 80%. Drive in all the races, work 4/5 of the non-race functions.) Exception: New qualified participants have temporary exclusion to pre-race and post duties as to become acclimated to the team, but still encouraged.
● In the event that there are more drivers than karts available, the Team Captain will determine which members with seasonal majority of work load participation will have seniority rights to a driving seat.
● Racing4Vets Facebook Messenger group is for open discussion of upcoming events, planning, and general socialization, keep it fun, laugh, and kid around in good taste. It is okay to have good clean fun, but please do not use it to air dirty laundry or gripes, to attack the group and its members. If you need to voice a concern, do it professionally and contact a board member offline. Keep in mind that many others are on this message group. When in doubt contact a Board Member. They want to work with you to help resolve a problem or issue.
● Any team member refusing to participate in a coordinated fashion as delegated by team captain or a Board Member, creating undue hardship, internal turmoil, theft, and unwarranted public attention will have their participation eligibility subject to review by the Racing4Vets Board. A member may be removed at the discretion of the Board of Directors without cause. RACE DAY EVENTS: **Race day is as stated, that day, within reason, is reserved for racing duties. Last minute arrival and immediate departure after the last race or before Tech closes will not be tolerated.
Racing4Vets is NOT an arrival and drive program. We operate as a team and should be respectful of fellow team mates. Do your part to help each other and participate with club members. Please communicate with the Team Captain if you need to arrive late or leave early. Yes, we understand things do come up, Communication is key.
● All new participants must meet with the team Captain on a practice day before the scheduled Race event. This is to ensure you have the needed skill set and are aware of the safety requirements to race on race day. On race day you may also be required to meet with race officials after the mandatory drivers meeting before racing takes place. Your Team Captain will be your contact regarding this.
● All participants must read and comprehend the current OVKA handbook rules and at away racing events. All questions and concerns should be communicated to the team captain first, team mates, race director or club member. Please ask questions! Please understand this is a volunteer organization and as such we need to be mindful of each other’s personal time.
● Participants need to schedule ample time to properly prepare equipment for the race. Example, try to get to track the night before or early enough on race days, to inspect and perform required maintenance. Gates generally open at 7 A.M. on Daytime races, and 12PM on night races. Both are subject to change.
● Racing4Vets is required to raise the flag at G&J Kartway at sunrise. The flag can be found in the race tower.
● When arriving at track, participants must sign in and identify if they are a driver or non-driver at the registration booth. The team is sponsored and we receive a limited amount of pit passes and race entries; each driver should coordinate guest attendance with the Team Captain beforehand to ensure there are enough Insurance arm bands.
● You will receive an armband that must be displayed all day on your wrist. This is for insurance reasons.
● The pit area is to be set up with awnings, floor, displaying karts, organizing tools/equipment and beginning to prepare the kart.
● All drivers must inspect the kart they are driving before driver registration, if you are not driving, please help others. At the time of registration, driver must have the correct transponder # in hand for the kart being driven. Appropriately fill out a registration form, usually done as a team, and complete the inspection form. This form will be turned in to the Tower and Tech inspector; you will receive another band that gets placed on the front left spindle of the kart being raced.
● The Race Director is the person in charge of the race event, there may be a time when that official needs to discuss a race/track issue with you, be respectful of the officials, you can ask questions but keep it short as they have an event to attend to. If you do not understand the problem, please reach out to your Team Captain or Racing4Vets Board member.
● Race Equipment. Any modifications to any chassis from factory condition will need prior approval from the Team Captain and Board. No exceptions.
● Participants, when finished racing, shall perform a post-race inspection of the kart, gear and safety Equipment. To identify any necessary corrective actions. Please let the Team Captain know of any issues that are identified.
● Parts, lubricants, all consumables will be managed with the Team Captain and Boards discretion. This goes for tires, engines etc., Racing4Vets operates on a limited budget so they have to be managed to last throughout the season.
● Tools, race equipment to be returned at the end of each event. All tools and supplies are the property of the Racing4Vets program. Please do not take them home with you with direct permission of the Team Captain and / or Board member.
● The pit area needs to be broken down and packed in – everything organized for continuity between races. This helps in being prepared for the next upcoming event. From time-to-time help may be needed to keep the pit mowed or trimmed.
● The flag is lowered at sunset – or after the event concludes.
● A debrief will occur prior to departure. This coordination allows everyone to reflect on the day, discuss issues, celebrate successes and prepare for the next race. The parts coordinator will make note and order parts and work with the team captain to schedule repairs prior to the next race. Racing4Vets expects drivers to have fun, race hard and clean, and to socialize with other club members! Various organizations donate and support the Racing4Vets, be positive with them and thank them when possible. These rules and guidelines are just that, they are here to help everyone work together as a team.
● These rules are subject to change as needed to ensure the health and safety of this program.